Herb – Mas Cotek/Fic Div/Fic Del (01-11271)

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Mas Cotek For Sale in Malaysia

Ficus Diversifolia/Deltoidea/Mas Cotek
Ficus Diversifolia/Deltoidea/Mas Cotek Fruits


Ficus Diversifolia/Deltoidea/Mas Cotek
Ficus Diversifolia/Deltoidea/Mas Cotek Leaves

金卓叶/金钱榕, 这种珍贵的天然草本植物野生于距今一亿三千万年的原始热带雨林中。 在很久以前, 金卓叶就已经被马来半岛以及婆罗洲上的原住民所广泛使用, 作为他们传统的保健强身, 防治疾病的天然草药。

Ficus detoidea is an evergreen shrub or small tree with thick leaves that are deltoid in shape, rounded at the apex and tapering at the base. The upper surface of the plants’ leaves are dark, shining green, while the lower surface is golden yellow with black spots. Male and female plants are physically distinctive, with the leaves of female plants being big and round, while the leaves of male plants are small, round and long.


It has small attractive leaves that are golden underneath. Its leaves are also considered as a symbol for good luck and are hence more readily available in nurseries to be sold as an auspicious plant of the Chinese. It is suitable as an outdoor border plant, or potted plant for semi-shaded areas indoors.

It is reputedly used for regulating blood pressure, womb contraction after delivery, reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

It is also used in the treatment of leucorrhoea, migraines, nausea, joint pains, pain from piles, removal of toxins, delaying menopause, and improving blood circulation. Its derived products are sold in the form of capsules, coffee, extracts, herbal drinks, and massage oil for their respective health benefits. It is also taken as anaphrodisiac. A decoction of the leaves may be consumed as a tonic drink after labour.)



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